Thursday, December 31, 2009

Not Much of Anything

I have an addictive personality.

Well, maybe the word addiction is a little strong.

Maybe I just do certain things over and over and over again.

And maybe I really like doing these things over and over and over.

These things just might make me a little happy.

But I can quit. Really, I can.

And I have quit before. I just pick up new things to take their place. Or I just totally lose interest in whatever it was.

And before you get upset, I am not talking about non-prescription drugs or alcohol. It's other kind of stuff.

Let me tell you about my current pseudo-addictions.

FaceBook of course. But my need to constantly check to see if I have any new inbox messages or new notifications will be fading soon. See, school starts back up on the 11th of January and with six classes, I don't think that I'll be caring as much about such things. So that's something I'll be quitting. By choice. Kind of.

Pepsi. I have  to have at least one Pepsi every day. Not diet not caffeine free. Real Pepsi. Pepsi Throwback when I can find it. And other things with caffeine and sugar just don't cut it. Right now. It was coffee just about a month ago. Had  to have my coffee. Now I want Pepsi. When I have that cold can in my little hand, all is right with the world. I don't see me giving up the Pepsi any time soon. But it might just morph back into the coffee thing. But I could quit if I wanted to. I just don't want to.

Now, I've only had the internet at my house for a short time. Maybe for four months. So a lot of the internet addictions have been slow getting to me. And the one that holds me in it's icy grasp right now stuff !Not the you have to do a survey and participate in these offers free but the honest to goodness free stuff! I've played with this before and gotten some ok stuff, but now I have time to devote to finding good free stuff. I just might be getting a free Snuggie! I've always thought that they were ridiculous, but if it's free, that totally changes everything. I've got free t-shirts coming, free calendars, free shampoo, free perfume and cologne, deodorant, toothpaste, household cleaning products, and who knows what else!! Sure most of it will be teeny little sample sizes, but it's free! No shipping, no credit card information. Just free. I didn't know all this stuff was out there! And I can't quit! New products every day! I'm sure that I'll eventually get bored with it, but not just yet.

I think I'm a little addicted to not sleeping.

I'm addicted to my little Christmas tree that I refuse to take down, for now.

I addicted to shopping. Sometimes. And I never spend much. But it feels so good to buy things!

I really love using moisturizers. A lot. Hands, face, feet. All need moisture. And I like giving it to them.

And maybe I'm a little pseudo-addicted to getting what I want. I'll wait to get what I want. Sometimes for a very long time. But in the end, I almost always get what I want. That is an addictive feeling. And I like it!

So, you've been reading and reading and now you're wondering what's this blog really about?

Not much of anything.

Just a little writing to clear my head a little so that maybe I'll sleep tonight.

But beware that if you are the one who introduces me to something new and interesting and this addictive part of me pops out..... I'll thank you! And make sure you share in my joy!

1 thoughts:

Ken said...

Thanks for sharing this Annie! My latest "addiction" is crunchy stuff! You know, it simply has to crunch when you bite it - and not little crunch, mind you. Big crunch! Anyway, thanks for posting!

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